Last-Minute Shopping? Get a 529 Gift Card
We’ve all given someone a gift card. It’s a popular gift, especially around the holidays. In fact, a recent pollfound that 56% of those interviewed planned to give gift cards this holiday season. But there’s a new development in gift cards: you can now purchase a gift card for a 529 plan. A recent Investopedia article looks at the details.
USAA Providing Cutting Edge Service for Members
Many may be familiar with USAA, the banking and financial services institution whose clients (or “members”) all have military family connections. What you may not know is that USAA had led the pack in keeping abreast of digital services for its members. One new service demonstrates their commitment to delivering cutting-edge services to members: tracking the value of Bitcoin accounts. A recent Think Advisor article explains.
Three Types of Pensions for Veterans
Statistics tell us that most of us will need long term care at some point. For veterans, the Veterans Administration (VA) makes funding available to assist in paying for such care, but it’s easy for these benefits to be overlooked. We’ll look at three of the pension benefits available to veterans.
With Few Laws on the Books, Digital Assets are the Wild West
Estate planning has never been a simple endeavor, but with the advent of digital assets, it’s become an even more complex endeavor. A recent article from The Street, “Don’t Let Your Digital Assets Die with You,” looks at some of the main issues with creating a plan for your digital legacy.
Proposed Law Looks to Simplify Digital Estates
One of the biggest complications in estate planning for digital assets is that the law is still catching up to technology. The Uniform Law Commission has worked for the past several years on a law that could solve that. A recent Investment News article, “New Bill Aims to Ease Access to Online Accounts after Client’s Death” looks at some of the implications of the proposed law.